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alphabetic order中文

用"alphabetic order"造句"alphabetic order" in a sentence"alphabetic order"怎麼讀


  • 字母表次序


  • You can consult the files according to the alphabetic order
  • And will run in alphabetic order , which serializes them
  • Sort rules determine the alphabetic order of unicode characters and how two strings compare to each other
  • However , unicode does include text direction , rules for character combination , and alphabetic ordering
    不過, unicode的確包括用于字符組合和字母排序的文字方向( text direction )和規則。
  • Call determines the character set , error messages catalogs , monetary value formatting , numerical conventions , string collation , and alphabetic ordering
  • After short opening remarks , finnish enterprises gave a brief introduction on their enterprises in alphabetic order , described their main products and services , and expounded their intents in china
  • For example , text searches are famously reliant on alphabetic ordering , a system that tends to fall down very quickly when scripts based on morphological clues like akkadian or arabic or ideographic systems like chinese have to be used
    例如,文字搜索在很大程度上依賴于字母排序,如果腳本基于akkadinan或者阿拉伯語這樣的形態學線索( morphological clue )或者像中文這樣的表意系統,那么系統很快就會垮掉。
用"alphabetic order"造句  
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